Pearls of Danube and Iron Gates

Tavern Zlatna Ribica

Tavern Zlatna Ribica is a restaurant with a distinctive taste as well as a hotel with 6 quality accommodation units. A restaurant with top quality local food, good atmosphere and excellent service, and with a grand view of the widest part of the Danube. A cosy space filled with candle light and the sounds of old town romances. A place where new loves are born, new deals are concluded, fine wine is drunk and people enjoy life. Excellent quality rooms and facilities, with terraces looking out over the Danube. Our location : Serbia, Djerdap lake, Danube riverbank, Golubac, main road from Belgrade to Kladovo (120km from Belgrade and Kladovo).

Make sure you visit

After a nice rest and enjoyment with excellent food and excellent service, these are the sites that we recommend for touring, to make your day filled and long remembered.

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